thinking summertime
thinking summertime
I almost always have a line of music and lyrics stuck in my head. It happens so easily to me. I hear a song or a commercial jingle or the opening tune of a podcast, and I’m replaying it in my head for hours and even days afterwards.
I also have songs that my mind starts playing when it’s triggered by the most ordinary things. Right now, the one that keeps pulling my subconscious onto the dance floor is Gershwin’s Summertime. Every time I hear the word “summertime,” or say it, or even just start thinking summertime thoughts, I find myself humming those lazy, jazzy lines.
Sing it Ella.
And with smooth, summertime jazz playing in the background, I bring you this Cherry Peach Bruschetta with Honey Garlic Goat Cheese. Every bite is summer mask house. Fish are jumpin’ and the cotton is high, and I can’t think of anything I’d rather eat than cherries and peaches. Summertime, ah yes.
I’ve got you covered for Breakfast, Brunch, and Dessert for the rest of the summer, plus all of your appetizer needs. This Cherry Peach Bruschetta on its own is divine, but when you serve it over the top of Honey Garlic Goat Cheese on a toasted whole wheat baguette, well it’s about as good as it gets. You might as well just plan on eating fifty or so of these little lovelies because you’re going to have a really hard time stopping at just one california fitness. They are really, really, and I do mean really, good.
I ended up with a load of local peaches, and I still had cherries left from my Stemilt Growers curated box delivery (more about that here). Then, last week I had the pleasure of spending some time with the lovely food writer and recipe developer Marie Simmons and I fell in love with her Goat Cheese Spread with Lemon and Honey, which inspired this recipe. When I saw Bon Appetit’s Plum and Cherry Bruschetta, I knew what I had to do california fitness. After that, it was fifteen minutes in the kitchen followed by a lot of finger licking and lip smacking as the kids and I downed an entire baguette.
Then we did it all again the next day.
What is summertime looking like in your neighborhood? We’ve got two weeks left here before school starts and we plan on living it up as much as possible. And by living it up, I mostly mean cherries and peaches. Summertime = Cherries + Peaches (with a little Gershwin on the side)